
「luminous dropping incline」

Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO/東京

「luminous dropping incline」

「luminous dropping incline」installation
Exhibition site view
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation<br />
Exhibition site view<br />
2020/現地制作<br />
270x300x350cm<br />
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation
Exhibition site view
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation<br />
Exhibition site view<br />
2020/現地制作<br />
270x300x350cm<br />
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation
Exhibition site view
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation<br />
Exhibition site view<br />
2020/現地制作<br />
270x300x350cm<br />
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation
Exhibition site view
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation<br />
Exhibition site view<br />
2020/現地制作<br />
270x300x350cm<br />
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation
Exhibition site view
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation<br />
detail<br />
2020/現地制作<br />
270x300x350cm<br />
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」<br />
2020<br />
160x40x4cm 3点<br />
acrylic on canvas<br />
Exhibition site view

「luminous dropping incline」
160x40x4cm 3点
acrylic on canvas
Exhibition site view

「luminous dropping incline」<br />
2020<br />
160x40x4cm 5点<br />
acrylic on canvas<br />
Exhibition site view

「luminous dropping incline」
160x40x4cm 5点
acrylic on canvas
Exhibition site view

「luminous dropping incline」installation<br />
detail<br />
2020/現地制作<br />
270x300x350cm<br />
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」installation
acrylic on canvas

「luminous dropping incline」
 約3年続けている<luminous dropping>の正方形の画面から離れ、最近は縦方向に細長い作品を制作している。
新シリーズ<luminous dropping incline>では、これまで主題にして来た絵画を構成する根源的な要素としての「動き・奥行き・光」の3つに加えて、「タイムライン( 時間)」を カンヴァスの上で表現しようと試みた。細長い画面になったきっかけは、以前からカンヴァスの側面数cmの幅に垂れる絵具の中にある美しさを見い出していたからだが、それを試す中で「時間の流れ」に気付かされることになった。意図的に傾けた画面にゆっくりと流し込まれた多量の絵具は、重力の方向へ緩やかな(傾斜角によっては素早く)弧を描きながら流れ落ちていく。乾いた軌跡の中に多様な表情が現れ、重なる絵具の中に空間が生まれ、色彩は光を纏う。同時にそれらの関係性が明確に視覚化され「タイムライン( 時間)」を表現することになる。
 2020 年になり世界中で発生した未体験の出来事は、様々な既存のシステムを転換し、人間の生きる基底となる五感さえも揺るがし続けている。私自身にとっても例外では無く、日々の生活や制作活動を根本的に見つめ直さざるを得ないほどに影響は大きい。眼前の怒濤にただ呆然と身を任せ流されて行くような感覚、抗う事の難しい社会や自然の営み、とどまる事のない時間の流れを、絵具という物質に置き換えて表現すること、それが私にとっての「絵を描く」目的なのかもしれない。描くという私的な行為が、同時に大河の一滴にもなるのではないだろうか、今さらながらそんなことを思った。
文:中島麦 2020 年8 月

I have recently begun to create long, slender works in the vertical direction,moving away from the square-shaped paintings in my previous series, which I have been doing for about three years.For my new series , I have attempted to express a "timeline" on canvas,
in addition to the three fundamental elements of "movement, space and light" that I have been working before.
The reason for the elongated paintings is that I had long ago discovered a certain beauty in the paint that flowed a few centimeters wide on the sides of the canvas.but in experimenting with this, I was reminded of the passage of time.
A large amount of paint poured slowly into the tilted canvasses, flowing down in a gentle arc (or quick, depending on the angle of inclination) in the direction of gravity.
Various expressions appear in the trajectory, spaces are created in the overlapping paints, and colors are clothed in light. At the same time, the relationship between them is clearly visualized and a "timeline" is expressed.
In the year 2020, the world's unprecedented events that have occurred around the world have transformed various existing systems and continue to shake even the five senses that are the basis of human life.
For me as well, the impact has been so great that it has forced me to fundamentally rethink my daily life and creative activities.
The sense that we are simply carried along by the raging waves in front of us, the workings of society and nature that are difficult to resist, the unstoppable flow of time,
my present purpose of "painting" may be to express these points.Even a huge river is made up of countless trivial water droplets, and I believe that the private act of painting can be one of the elements of this society.
In this exhibition, I plan to create the works in the gallery space as an attempt to let viewers experience the same timeline.
I hope to share not only the works that I have completed in the studio, but also the events and times that happen on site.
Text: nakajima mugi August 2020

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